University of Exeter Capability Assessment UOE/2016/033/NTCLES - Transdermal Toxicology
The University of Exeter, College of Life & Environmental Sciences expresses an interest in purchasing alcohol monitoring for 96 patients transdermally continuously for 6 months. The aim of the study is to reduce relapse in alcoholism with a novel pharmacological and psychological intervention and need to continuously monitor the alcohol use of patients in the study. Each of the 96 patients would need to wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet for 6 months, and have alcohol monitored transdermally during this time. Data would need to be collected remotely as patients are only seen at 1 month, 3 month and 6 month time points. Data will be sent on percentage days abstinent and any relapses to alcohol (above 0.02 TAC) for each patient and daily alcohol levels over the full 6 months.
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1 Possible Competitors