UOE/2016/004/UEMS/WH - Supply of Barcode Labels and Thermal Transfer Ribbons
NIHR Exeter Clinical Research Facility is a partnership between the University of Exeter Medical School and the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, dedicated to facilitating clinical and translational research. The CRF runs a large number of University of Exeter research grant-funded single and multi-centre clinical research trials for which the collection, processing and storage of clinical samples from patients and healthy volunteers is essential. The volume and complexity of these samples necessitates a robust tracking and management system including the use of high quality labels for use on sample aliquots. Whilst sample type and volume is dependent on study specific protocols, collection, processing and storage is undertaken according to standard operating procedures. This ensures consistent quality and allows technical and administrative staff to effectively work across multiple studies. Standardisation of sample labels on a pre-defined template for all studies is an important feature of managing multiple clinical studies. NIHR Exeter Clinical research Facility require labels for several studies, which the University of Exeter acts as the central laboratory for a European-wide 25-centre project covering multiple clinical studies. Documents can be accessed by registering on the University's eTendering portal In- tend, where they will be available to download after you 'express an interest' in the relevant opportunity from the list of current tenders.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors