Update and replacement of CCTV on Bradley Stoke Town Council sites
Bradley Stoke Town Council is the parish authority for Bradley Stoke. It is the second tier of local government after the South Gloucestershire Council. Its legal powers are granted to it and regulated by various government acts. The town population is of approximately 20,000. The Town Council supplements the provision of local government services in Bradley Stoke, and provides a range of social and recreational facilities, while promoting and representing the town with other national and statutory bodies. The town council would like to update its CCTV systems on its sites to the specified specification and scoring matrix which will be attached to this notice. The contract is being tendered and interested providers are invited to bid for all sites. Please be aware that council are only interested in brands that fall within the latest government advice. Addresses of the sites are as follows: The Jubilee Centre Savages Wood Road Bradley Stoke South Glos BS32 8HL Brook Way Activity Centre Brook Way Bradley Stoke South Glos BS32 9DA Baileys Court Activity Centre Baileys Court Road Bradley Stoke South Glos BS32 8BH Potential suppliers are invited to visit the sites accompanied by the sites manager who can answer any questions. Please contact the sites manager via email to arrange visits on if there is a lot interest we will run an open day event and invite all interested parties to attend. Sites open day on the 7th of February and 28th February 2023 for all potential tenders for the works. if you would like to attend please email to confirm your attendance. Please be at the following address by 10am if you wish to view the sites before submitting your tender. Council Office Jubilee Centre Savages Wood Road Bradley Stoke South Glos BS32 8HL Please note that any invitation to tender issued by Bradley Stoke Town Council is covered under the terms of the Bribery Act 2010. Any potential tenders will also be required to submit a copy of their public liability insurance which will need a minimum of £5,000,000. The closing date is 10th March 2023. All tenders should be submitted as sealed bids in an envelope, clearly marked "CCTV Opportunity" to the following address: CCTV Opportunity FOA Philip Francis Council Office Jubilee Centre Savages Wood Road Bradley Stoke South Glos BS32 8HL
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
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Procurement Contact
Name :
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Phone :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors