Urgent Repair Works, 1830 Warehouse, Science & Industry Museum, Manchester
The 1830 Warehouse is located at the Science & Industry Museum which is located to the west of the centre of Manchester between Castlefield, to the south, and St. Johns Quarter to the north. PROJECT INFORMATION The urgent repair works to the fabric of the 1830 warehouse are the result of a Feasibility Study undertaken by the project team in December 2018. This study highlighted that there was a high risk of fabric failure and a high risk of fabric falling from the building. A proportion of the repairs, those most urgent, have been identified for completion within this project. This will form the first phase of work for the restoration of the building over a number of separately tendered phases, as funding is available, in order to protect this heritage asset for the long term. KEY INFORMATION 1. Project is to be procured via a JCT Standard Minor Works Contract, with contractor's design. 2. The main contract tender will be a single stage process, with a three week tender period. 3. Project construction budget c. GBP400,000 4. The museum site (Including the 1830 warehouse) is to remain operational and open to the public throughout construction. 5. The draft construction programme is 20 weeks inclusive of mobilisation, construction and handover but improvement on this duration will be sought during the procurement process. 6. Additional project information can be obtained on Manchester City Council Planning Portal, using the application reference number 124068/LO/2019
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45210000 - Building construction work
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors