User Interface Development Services
This Invitation to Tender is issued by PassivSystems Limited ("PSL"). PSL is one of the UK's leading cleantech companies, based in Newbury, which focuses on delivering innovative software solutions within the heating and renewable energy sector. As a technology company, PSL leads the sector in delivering innovative machine learning based solutions to energy optimisation in district heat and smart grid applications. Using an agile Kanban development approach, PSL deliver frequently and have a key focus on test automation and continuous delivery. Acting as a delivery partner to Hitachi Europe Limited, PSL will help deliver the Smart Energy Islands project on the Isles of Scilly, which is within the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly EU funding region, using funds secured from the European Regional Development Fund, part of the European Structural Investment Funds. The Smart Energy Islands project will provide the ICT enabling infrastructure to better balance the supply and demand of electricity on the Islands. This will enable a replicable model for increased penetration of renewables, control of energy uses, increasing resilience and efficiency, and reduced energy costs. Supporting the Islands' objectives of 40% renewable energy and 40% reduction in energy bills. To help deliver their requirements of the project, PSL are seeking to procure the specialist skills of a company to provide User Interface Development Services. PSL's budget for this element of the project is £68,000, therefore bids will only be accepted from those bidders whose total contract price for the 6-month contract period does not exceed this budget.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72262000 - Software development services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors