Uttlesford District Council - Renewable Energy and Decarbonisation Strategy
To apply please contact Uttlesford District Council invites consultancy teams to submit a proposal to work with the Council on the Renewable Energy and Decarbonisation Strategy of the emerging Local Plan as a critical element in its preparation, soundness and evidence of a robust response to the Council's corporate climate change agenda. Consultants must engage with interests in the development of energy infrastructure across the District and on strategic sites, and largescale proposals, as well as other consultants appointed to work in related areas such as the Water Cycle, Sustainability Appraisal, IDP and viability. They must advise, recommend and assess the impact of renewable energy and net zero carbon policies on the deliverability of the Local Plan proposals as they develop, working with promoters to ensure achievability of the predicted growth over the Local Plan period to 2040. Consultants are working to the Council's corporate objective to address climate change and they must advise on the extent to which this can be achieved through the local plan process, reflected in the policies, design guidance and options for the spatial strategy. They should provide a full 'carbon' assessment of the preferred spatial strategy.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71314000 - Energy and related services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors