VCMA Projects - Fuel Poverty Awareness Training, Green Doctors Energy Matters and GEMS - Groundworks Energy Management Services.
An extension is required for all 3 projects, Fuel Poverty Awareness Training, Green Doctors Energy Matters and GEMS - Groundworks Energy Management Services. Green Doctor - Fuel Poverty Training CourseThe Green Doctor fuel poverty course is delivered both online & face to face. We have found that the scope has increased due to the ease of access from more distant regions of our delivery areas.The aim of the course is to train frontline workers from a wide variety of organisations who in some way support people in or at risk of falling into fuel poverty. Since November 2019 we have trained around 250 frontline key workers who have then potentially disseminated the knowledge learnt to on average 8-10 people each day as part of their role.We have a diverse mix of people on the course from housing officers, debt advice workers, health professionals, social prescribers, engineers and community representatives. Many of these become 'energy champions'.Green Doctor - Energy MattersThe Green Doctor service aims to reduce energy costs, increase energy-efficiency and improve health & wellbeing.Groundwork's Energy Management Services (GEMS)The GEMS scheme provides an energy management service to community/charitable organisations who are based in buildings that have poor thermal energy efficiency, high running costs and would benefit from support & advice on how to reduce their costs, increase efficiency & to implement an energy management system for future sustainability.Further scope for this project includes offering this as a paid for service to small, medium & micro business enterprises which would enable us to become sustainable for future delivery & would benefit the wider community & local businesses.
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1 Possible Competitors