VDP - Demand Workstream - all adult cohorts Quan (1323)
The VDP is tasked with designing, testing and socialising proposals for a single NHS vaccination service to take effect from 2023/24. The methodology proposed in this specification reflects NHS England's public duties to listen to the people it serves when it makes policy decisions affecting the services it provides to them, as well as the importance of refining our understanding of stated priorities which will be important when communicating this to the general public later in the year. As part of work to develop a single NHS vaccination service, working across COVID-19, flu and routine immunisations, we need to understand and reflect the views of those who use, or who should use, our services. We cannot develop granular proposals for a future operating model without seeking to understand the public's priorities and preferences. We need fresh, structured insight on these questions to ensure that we take the right lessons from the public-facing models of existing vaccination and immunisation programmes, to ensure that in future our services provides more joined-up, responsive and efficient services and a better experience for the public, consolidating demand for and the reputation of NHS-led vaccination.
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1 Possible Competitors