(VEAT Notice) Gaelic Research Services
MG ALBA are putting out this voluntary ex ante transparency (VEAT) notice with a view to completing a Direct Award to TRP Research Ltd (TRP) for the supply of Gaelic Research Services. MG ALBA intends to award the contract without a call for competition in accordance with the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (regulation 33). The contract duration is expected to commence October/November 2023 for three years with an option to extend for one year (at the discretion of MG ALBA and with the agreement of both parties). This contract is to include provision for: -A panel comprised of not less than 550 people aged 16+ with a response rate of 300+ people per week; -successful delivery of research based on a demographically and geographically representative panel comprising users of Gaelic, both speakers and learners; -Weekly reports based on designed surveys capturing daily and weekly Gaelic media consumption; -Measurement and reporting on how audiences with a multi-platform, digital-first approach consume Gaelic media; -The creation and management of quarterly moderated on-line focus groups in year one and thereafter a mix of quarterly moderated online focus groups and self-record video responses from panellists per annum with a focus on specific demographic, linguistic or geographic groups of the panel and/or specific Gaelic content propositions, to be agreed in advance with MG ALBA, and the quarterly reporting of findings. Strategy and Planning 1.Deliver a panel operating and maintenance strategy; 2.Plans to incentivise hard to reach respondents i.e. under 35’s; 3.Design and maintenance of surveys capturing daily and weekly Gaelic media consumption, including surveys offline/paper-based (to the extent agreed to be necessary) for completeness of data; 4.Design quarterly moderated online focus groups in year one and thereafter a mix of quarterly moderated online focus groups and self-record video responses from panellists per annum to add additional information to the relevant reports; 5.Regularly assess the implementation and impact of the panel and if necessary adjust accordingly; Execution 6.Be the key delivery partner for MG ALBA’s Gaelic audience research; 7.Meet quarterly with MG ALBA and senior BBC ALBA executives to analyse reports; 8.Collection and collation of offline/paper-based panellist raw data, to the extent agreed to be necessary for completeness of data; 9.Processing and weighting of panellist raw data; 10.Creation of weekly/monthly/annual reports and data files with designs bespoke to MG ALBA’s requirements; 11.Weekly/monthly/annual reporting including presentations and excel data files delivered via email; 12.Understand the BBC ALBA services; 13.Provide insights at agreed intervals into the attitudes of Gaelic learners to the SpeakGaelic and the LearnGaelic brands; 14.Provide strategy, insight and support at quarterly meetings or at agreed other key periods in the year; 15.Collaborate with BBC research colleagues. The aim of the activity is: -To measure, track and report on: - the consumption of Gaelic media providing insights into the panel’s range of media behaviours; - the panel’s use of different media platforms; - the panel’s awareness of the BBC ALBA brand and level of satisfaction with Gaelic media; -To analyse the panel data to provide insights into audience consumption and behaviour and use these insights to support Gaelic media strategy including Gaelic language learning provision. Outcomes: -Weekly panel information and insight into Gaelic media consumption on all platforms including digital platforms; -Quarterly insight into consumption and feedback on the SpeakGaelic media products and the LearnGaelic website. Measurable KPIs will be agreed upon the appointment of the successful tenderer. The closing date of this VEAT is 6 November 2023.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors