Very Light Rail Vehicle (VLR) Project - AWARD
The University of Warwick Warwick Manufacturing Group has the following project requirement. This project involves the design of two identical bogies for a railcar. Each bogie has its own self-contained series-hybrid drive system. Construction of a full railcar demonstrator is the final deliverable of the project. At this stage in the project we require a single bogie solution, i.e. a single engine, single generator, single energy storage system and two traction motors. Operation of railway vehicles over a wide network in varying environmental conditions creates a harsh operating situation and reliability of components is a priority. Therefore, we require the supplier to have a proven record of accomplishment in the design, development, and construction of generators and resulting generator-set for mobile applications that operate in harsh environments. Such environments include continuous vibration of varying intensity; high vertical acceleration loads (up to 100g); diverse weather conditions such as high winds, snow, severe temperature variation, and wet conditions; and severe restrictions on electromagnetic interference. Vehicles that encounter these operating conditions may be found in the military or aerospace sector in addition to the railway industry. This tender comprises of three lots; •Lot 1 Supply of 1 Generator/Starter and Assembly of a Diesel Engine Generator-Set •Lot 2 Supply of a Direct-Drive Traction Package Consisting of 2 Motors •Lot 3 Supply of Batteries and Battery Management System and Integration into an Energy Storage System This is an BELOW EU threshold tender All correspondence regarding this tender procedure should be made through the University of Warwick In-Tend system ( via the “Correspondence” functionality. Failure to do so may result in the correspondence being excluded from the tender procedure. After expressing an interest in this project you will be able to download the full tender document set within 24 hours. All bids must be received by midday 14/07/15.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors