Video Interaction Guidance
VIG has a strong theoretical base: attachment, co-operative intersubjectivity, mediated learning, mentalization, and positive psychology. Theoretical Base Colwyn Trevarthen's detailed micro-analysis of videos of successful parent-infant interactions, and his theory of intersubjectivity (Trevarthen 1980), lie at the core of VIG. Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) as an effective intervention. Theories of why VIG is effective suggest that the use of video clips enables a shared space to be created between practitioner and client, where moments of parental sensitivity and attunement can be seen. The video clips function as a 'witness' (Jarvis 2011) to the positive interaction, which may have been missed by the client in the moment, and which can be micro analysed by practitioner and client to enable a new kind of 'seeing' and understanding. Very few therapeutic interventions focus so equally and clearly on increasing both 'attunement' between parent and child (Beebe 2010), and 'mentalization' - the parent's capacity for 'reflective functioning' - which refers to a parents' capacity to treat their infant/child as an intentional being, and to understand behaviours in terms of the infant/child's feelings, beliefs and intentions (Fonagy et al 2002). VIG clients are supported to improve their relationship skills, by developing their ability to mentalize about their own and their infant's mental states, and by encouraging mind-minded interactions (Meins 2012). VIG training is much more than acquiring skills to deliver another tool in a toolset. Trainees benefit from professional development which increases their attunement to clients, and their interpersonal effectiveness. VIG training can have a positive impact on all working relationships, both with clients and colleagues. Trainees often comment on the far-reaching impact of their VIG training. VIG training will enhance relationship skills. VIG is not a skills-based training that can be learnt by following a manual... The training process provides an in-depth focus on the developing relationship between professional and client. The supervision sessions give space for self-reflection and reflection with the supervisor.
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