Visitor Surveys to inform South Pennine Moors SPD & Mitigation Strategy
A key part of the evidence base for both the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and the South Pennine Moors Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) are visitor surveys which build a picture of how the South Pennine Moors are used as a local recreational resource. The appointed consultant will be required to survey visitors at a number of access points around the South Pennine Moors, gathering results from each point on a number of different days and times between the months of April and June. The visitor surveys will help to gain an understanding of existing recreational pressures on the South Pennine Moors Phase 2 SPA and South Pennine Moors SAC. The visitor surveys will help to inform the development of potential mitigation and management measures in response to the effects of increased recreational disturbance at this site.
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1 Possible Competitors