Visual Arts Offer
At a national level, the creative sector contributes £111.7bn GVA to the UK economy. The Creative Industries were growing at more than 5x the rate of the UK economy pre-Covid-19., At a regional level, the creative sector is worth £790m and at a local level Suffolk has a significant creative sector., The LGA published guidance in August 2020 ("Creating Places: supporting your local creative economy"), as to how Councils can support their creative economies. This guidance highlighted the importance of the creative sector at the local level and how it can bring people into towns and cities and is intrinsic to building atmosphere and a sense of place. It states that creativity is critical to the levelling up agenda., East Suffolk Council is seeking to work in partnership with an artist to build the capacity of the creative sector, The project will:, • Create a landmark sculpture within the district engaging the community to create art locally., • To provide work space for local creatives to increase the capacity of the sector;
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92312250 - Services provided by individual artists
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors