INVITATION TO TENDER FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF A VOICE OVER INTERNET PROTOCAL TELEPHONY SYSTEMGwent Police Authority is seeking applications from suitably qualified companies to tender for the above Framework.The Framework will cover the following 3 sections: SUPPLY •Voice Over IP Telephony core system which should support up to, but not be limited to, 2000 users •Option for different types of handsets •Solution offered should be both scalable and flexible to allow for further growth and enhancement without wholesale change•Option to integrate with the Force’s Response Solution.•Provision of necessary equipment to integrate with existing telephony solution during migration period.•The ability to provide additional Unified Communications functionality such as Video Conferencing and IM integration.INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION SERVICES To include but not be limited to the installation of the proposed solution, configuration and any professional services that may be required.SUPPORT/MAINTENANCE SERVICESTo include but not be limited to the continuing support of the installed solution include upgrade paths, repairs, replacements and any other service that may be required. The successful tenderer may be required to provide supplies and services above in live with an agreed plan whereby the full solution would be installed over a pre-determined period. This period may be up to 4 years in duration but each phase will need to deliver singularly value and in combination with the other phases. The Framework will be available to Local Authorities, Police Forces and other emergency services to utilise.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32551400 - Telephone network
Status :
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High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors