Voids switching
About us Energyextra is a partnership of Housing Associations and Local Authorities. It was set up in May 2000 to give tenants easy access to cheaper gas and electricity and alleviate poverty, in particular fuel poverty. It is now constituted as a not for profit company, managed by a board of directors, who represent the partners, and meet on a regular basis. No director receives remuneration from the company and our surplus is devolved back to members to help them alleviate poverty with their own tenants. We have the following membership; Sandwell Council Dudley Council Accord Housing Association Wrekin Housing Group Black Country Housing Group Brighter Futures What we require The partnership has around 60,000 homes under it's portfolio and we require a national energy supplier or broker to a national supplier to manage a voids and supplier switching process whereby voids are defaulted to the chosen supplier. The partnership has approximately 3,000 voids per annum. What we are looking for in our chosen supplier or broker; An efficient and swift void switching process including efficient data management and responsive property supply. A process to ensure that void turnaround times are as short as possible with regard to closing down existing accounts, wiping debt from previous tenants, re-installing previously disconnected meters and the like Ability to deal with issues outside of normal processes quickly and efficiently for our voids teams Immediate benefit to our tenants when moving into their new property (i.e credit on meter, no standing charge period) A high quality service to our tenants Competitive pricing of energy to our tenants Supporting new tenants to switch from SVR to the best rate available according to their requirements whilst advising them that other suppliers are available to them on the open market Genuine social value programmes that will benefit our tenants Commercial returns to Energyextra from voids (not from direct sale of products or services to tenants) that we will re-invest back into our tenants and communities. Demonstrable commitment to your terms of service and self-reporting arrangements with a clear methodology covering compensation for non-compliance High levels of renewable energy supplied Flexibility of terms We will be scoring potential partners based on; Your track record and experience Your proposed void offer and process based on the above criteria. Please see attachment for details of scoring criteria. What we expect; In the first instance please submit a written statement of no more than 1,000 words stating how you will meet the above criteria. The board will then invite selected applicants to do a presentation to the board. Please submit your statement to by 15th January 5pm with the subject 'energyextra tender' Presentations to the board will be by Teams and will be conducted on Wednesday 3rd February
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
9000000 - Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy
65000000 - Public utilities
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors