VRU Inclusion Charter Education Consultant
VRU Inclusion Charter Education Consultant The Mayor of London's Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) is seeking to procure an Education Consultant who will support the VRU to promote and roll out across London a Young People's Inclusion Charter, and to particularly shape and develop its outputs. The VRU is looking to work with an education consultant with expertise within the education sector and a comprehensive understanding of what inclusive practices within education, and the challenges and barriers within the current system. They will identify inclusive practice and policy changes and recommendations, engage with key stakeholders, set priority inclusion areas with the VRU to drive forward, map systems and support the VRU to develop a pan London Policy agreement. London's Violence Reduction Unit pioneers approaches to tackling violence in the capital that is rooted in prevention and early intervention. We know the best time to stop violence is before it starts. The VRU is prioritising inclusive education systems and reducing school exclusion, as this will positively impact wellbeing and opportunities for young people, reducing vulnerabilities to crime and exploitation and improving the physical and psychological safety of young people in London. If you have any clarification questions, please email these to When sending your clarifications to the VRU Procurement inbox please use the subject 'Inclusion Charter Education Consultant', the clarification deadline has been set as 2nd June 2023. If you would like to take part in this tender please email to request your tender pack. You must email your completed tender response to: The tender submission deadline is 12:00 noon on 13th June 202
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors