VRU Missing People Research Engagement Session: Developing a Research Specification
The London Violence Reduction Unit would like to invite you to start the conversation as to how we can better understand the links between young people (under the age of 25) going missing and violence. As a unit, the VRU has been assessing and developing the evidence base to understand how to best support the sector to effectively reduce violence in London. A key gap that's been identified in the VRU's evidence base is the link between going missing and serious violence/teenage homicide. The VRU are considering commissioning further research to explore this link and understand how best to target support. We'd like to meet with you if: -You/your organisation specialises in working with young people (under the age of 25) who go missing in London -You/your organisation has research interests that include young people (under the age of 25) who go missing and/or the links between going missing and violence/exploitation The aim of the session will be to support the VRU to understand what a research specification might look like for London and how it could best complement the existing research. Date: 30/03/2022 Time: 10:30-12:00 Online Event: Microsoft Teams meeting link will be circulated to attendees. Do please share this with any colleagues (across your organisation or the wider sector) you think may be interested in attending - although we kindly ask that attendance is limited to no more than 2 colleagues per organisation. Please RSVP to quoting your name, organisation and "Missing Research Engagement Session" by the 23rd March 2022.
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1 Possible Competitors