Wac Arts College London - Refurbishment and Remodelling Works
The Department for Education requires a suitably experienced Contractor to express their interest to undertake refurbishment/remodelling works. Once completed the school will provide accommodation for 150 pupils. The proposed site is a 6-storey building, including ground and lower ground floor. The building is located on City Road, EC1V 1JX, London. Majority of internal spaces require refurbishment/decoration whereas, two double height spaces are required to be built on 3rd floor. This will require removal of concrete floor slab between the 3rd and 4th floors. Additionally, the existing kitchen located with the basement will be remodelled with the creation of a new riser to facilitate enhanced catering facilities. No significant internal works are expected to take place in the immediate vicinity of the party wall, with the exception of some possible M&E-related enabling works (subject to contractor design). However, there is a live sub-station on the lower ground floor which requires unhindered access by UKPN at all times. This sub-station does not have direct street access and so liaison will be required (between Contractor and UK Power Networks Ltd) to coordinate an agreeable access/security methodology. The proposals require little in the way of external works with the most notable being the external sealing of the main stairwell window frame as well as the replacement of some openable casements on upper floors. Such works require relatively little time working at height and (effectively) beyond the site demise/ in the public realm, and so it seems likely that a mobile platform/ cherry picker style method of working, combined with requisite permissions/ temporary pavement closure, will be required. Currently the existing building serves as an educational establishment and so the current security standard/principles should already comply with DfE's minimum requirements and the College's basic needs. The building already incorporates robust materials at ground floor level as well as external CCTV at entry points as a minimum.
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CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors