Waking Watch Service Provision
Together Housing Association Limited a charitable organisation registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Societies Act 2014 and is the parent company to a number of subsidiaries. Together Housing Association full geographic area covers a large area over the North of England from Lancashire, throughout Yorkshire to the East Coast. Lancashire North: BB4, BB5, BB7, BB8, BB9, BB18, OL12, OL13, BL. Lancashire South: BB4, BB5, BB7, BB8, BB9, BB18, OL12, OL13, BL. Lancashire postcodes may be extended to incorporate properties in Greater Manchester area. Yorkshire North: All HX, DL, BD, HG, LS, TS, and YO7, Y051, YO61, YO62, HD3, HD6, OL14. Yorkshire South: All DE, DN, (Except DN14), WF, S, NG. East Yorkshire and Humber: All HU (Hull) postcodes, DN14 (Doncaster), YO8, YO11, YO12, YO13, YO14, YO15, YO16, YO17, YO19, YO21, YO25, YO32, YO41, YO43. The geographic coverage applies to any property owned or managed by Together Housing Association, although these areas are defined at present, there could be a wider coverage depending on the housing stock. A Waking Watch Service provision (WW) is a system whereby suitably trained persons continually patrol the necessary areas of a building including the exterior perimeter and any other relevant risk assessed areas to detect any risks or presence of fire. The service is to raise the alarm, and alert the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS). Those same individuals can then carry out the duties that may be required to manage an evacuation if needed, including assisting residents who through mobility or other health challenges may require assistance to evacuate.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
31625100 - Fire-detection systems.
31625200 - Fire-alarm systems.
Tenderbase Categories
Status :
Assign to :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors