Wales Property Database
SPECIFICATION FOR: Wales Property DatabaseCONTRACT No: ES&TWPDB/0713-07-17Department for Economy, Science and Transport (ES&T)ES&T is one of five Directorate Groups within the Welsh Government, with the aim of strengthening the conditions to enable businesses to create jobs and sustainable economic growth.The Wales Property DatabaseThe Welsh Government established the Wales Property Database (WPDB) in 1990 for the provision of a comprehensive and up to date information source on vacant commercial land and property across Wales supporting the priorities of ES&T.The WPDB is managed and updated by the Market and Policy Team within ES&T Property Division. Updates are undertaken on a just in time basis, thereby ensuring accuracy and compliance with the Property Mis-descriptions Act 1991.The WPDB provides a single point of contact for property information and can be accessed directly via the Welsh Government’s website, the Welsh Government’s Property Team or via the ES&T’s Sector Teams and Major Projects Team and Inward Investment Team.In addition, the WPDB also provides statistical information on the supply and demand of commercial property across Wales. This is used to provide supporting evidence to the Country’s Local Development Plans determining the allocation of land for commercial use and to local and national property developers supporting the need for the delivery of new commercial property across the principality.The Purpose of this Tender:The purpose of this tender is to secure software solution for the next four years that will provide a robust, secure and intuitive IT solution for the provision of accurate commercial property information in the public and private sector meeting the objectives of ES&T.2.AimThe main aim of this tender is:-To procure a system/platform to support the requirements of the Wales Property Database for commencement in Q2 2013 for a period of four years-Gain approval to secure a minimum four-year contract with a provider to host the WPDB.3.ObjectivesThe objectives of the tender is to ensure that ES&T has a robust source of property related information that will serve both internal and external stakeholders requirements, i.e. to provide a single source of information on the availability of commercial property and land both in private and public ownership across Wales.4.RequirementThe software provider will work closely with the Welsh Assembly Government’s Property, Marketing and ICT teams to ensure that the instillation and running of the software complies with Welsh Government ICT and WEB guidelineKey Requirements:-Functionality – There is a requirement for a high quality solution that will support the effective delivery of property information against client requirements delivered via Web based solution.-Fit with existing and future Welsh Government security and WEB strategies e.g. IP address security - The solution must comply with the Welsh Government’s ICT security and WEB guidelines-Encryption- there is a requirement that all data in encrypted between the browser and the server.-Ownership of data- all client related data and information loaded onto the system will be owned exclusively by the Welsh Government and will not be shared with any third parties.-Public Web Site- The public facing Wales Property Database must be accessed thro a registered log-on system and all client data to be captured and reported on.-Audit Information – The solution must store both live and archive records and must be easily accessible. The system must keep a record of audited data.-Report function- there is a requirement that the system will allow the Welsh Government to develop be-spoke reports utilising any fields within the system.-Data Migration- The solution must allow for accurate data migration from the Welsh Government’s existing database.-Meet Current and Future Statutory requirements – The supplier must demonstrate their commitment to providing a solution that meets regulatory requirements.The following clauses are applicable to contracts where personal or other confidential information will be used, disseminated or otherwise handled by a contractor and any other third party associated with the contract.a) Servers holding the Client’s data must reside in a pre-defined location and access to those servers must be controlled and limited to known, authorised individuals only.b) Backups of the Client’s data must occur (at least weekly), there should be no unauthorised access to backup media containing the Client’s data. Such backup media should be securely stored in an off-site location and Transfer of such backup media must be secure and auditable.c) The Client’s data must not be copied to removable media and removed from the Contractor’s site without prior approval of the Client, processing of the Client’s data must only take place on the Contractor’s corporate network, using equipment supplied by the Contractor. At the end of the contract, the data must be returned or disposed of as stipulated by the Client.d) The default access level for the Client’s data should be ‘no access’, the Contractor must maintain lists of users who do require access to the Client’s data and such lists are to be reviewed at least quarterly.e) The Contractor should provide details of HR checks undertaken on new employees which will include verification of identity; employment history (past 3 years); nationality and immigration status; unspent criminal record declaration and independent verification via Disclosure Scotland.The Contractor should undertake National Security Vetting where appropriate and make sure references are followed up prior to employmentf) The Contractor must ensure that any network which holds the Client’s data is protected by up-to-date virus-checking software. The Contractor must ensure that a server patching regime is in place, and supply details of the same. The Contractor’s network must be configured in such a way that access to the Client’s data is limited to known, authorised individuals and connections to other networks must be controlled by firewalls. The Contractor should ensure that access to any network that holds the Client’s data must be via a unique, individual password and such passwords must be a minimum of nine characters in length, and include a combination of upper and lower case letters, punctuation marks and at least one number.g) Any statement made by the Contractor could be subject to independent audit by the Client without prior notice.h) The Contractor must inform the Client immediately of any actual or suspected security breaches involving the Client’s data.i) The Contractor must have in place a security policy or acceptable use policy covering usage of their network and appropriate use of removable media and the policy must be clearly communicated and staff trained appropriately.j) The Contractor must ensure that hardcopy data is securely disposed of after use by shredding and for electronic data, the Contractor must use a product that overwrites individual files rather then marking them for deletion.Changes to the SpecificationThis specification document sets out the Client’s current service requirement. It is possible that during the life of the contract changes, for example, in the nature and volume of the work and the timescale or other requirements will arise.Changes to the Specification will be implemented by issuing written amendments to all those affected by the changes.SUBMISSION ADDRESSALL SUBMISSIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO:AMANDA JEX-GREENWELSH GOVERNMENT- ES&TQED CENTREMAIN AVENUETREFORESTPONTYPRIDDRHONDDA CYNON TAFFCF37 5YRTREFORESTTEL 03000 615624E-MAIL
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors