
Waltham Forest CCG — Mental Health Wellness Services Pilot.


Health services. Health Wellness Service PilotWaltham Forest Clinical Commissioning Group invites suitable expressions of interest from suppliers for the provision of a Mental Health Wellness Service Pilot Project.BackgroundA business case has been approved for the development of a Mental Health Primary Care Service based on the Wellness agenda in conjunction with Waltham Forest Public Health to improve the levels of prevention, early identification and support within the borough. The aim is to develop a full business case over an 18 month period reflecting the evidence gathered form an initial pilotThe requirementThe aim of the pilot is to validate both the clinical model and the impact on secondary care in preparation for a full service roll out in April 2017. The basic assumption is that selected people with mild to moderate enduring mental health issues can be provided with information, advice, support for prevention, early intervention and they can be managed in an integrated new model of service. GP's will hold the clinical responsibility of their patients and for complex cases they will receive support, advice from a specialist Mental Health GPwSI in the community. These patients will also be supported by a specialist clinician and wellness workers. Patients will be treated and supported in primary care for their mental health and physical health checks and that will reduce the referrals to secondary care services. This new model will move care for this group from a secondary care setting into a community and primary care ‘wellness’ setting, supported by professionals in a new service setting.The aim is to setup and run a Wellness Service pilot from Sept 2015 to March 2017 (18 months). An evaluation is built in as part of this project, to determine the long term service development .The plan is to develop a full business case over an 18 Month period reflecting the evidence gathered form an initial pilot which will be the focus of CCG Quality Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) proposal.This approach is aligned to the strategic direction for the CCG as outlined in WF Mental Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and the WF Better Mental Health Strategy 2014. Waltham Forest Wellness Service pilot will provide an intermediate care service which will provide triaging and care management of selected mental health patients delivered through a Wellness service team.The aims and objectives of the Wellness Service pilot are to:—Build a capable Wellness Service team to deliver appropriate care within the WFWS criteria—Build a capable Wellness Service team to deliver appropriate care within the WFWS criteria—To establish the sustainable engagement of stakeholders in the WFWS model including GPs, provider MH Community Recovery Teams, Adult Social Care Teams, Crisis Services, Psychiatric liaison, IAPT, service users, carers, social care, voluntary sector providers and other relevant agencies—To establish closer links and partnership working with available commissioned and non-commissioned services in the borough to provide support to services users and aid their recovery.—To establish links with housing, supported accommodations, employment, benefit agencies, job centre, supported for mental health patients.—To establish an appropriate clinical governance mechanism by which care can be professionally supervised by a mental health consultant—Identify premises to host the wellness service through a potential partnership model—Build effective care support by which the WFWS can meet the objectives for the selected patients.Contract Period18 Months September 2015 — March 2017Contract ValueThe total value of this contract will be 380 000 GBP for a 12 month period.Procurement ProcessOpen ProcedureIn accordance with the Regulations, the Authority has adopted the following Process:1.The Specification against which Tenderers are invited to submit Tenders has been determined at the absolute discretion of the Authority and is as set out in the ITT;2.Once the Authority has issued the ITT, Tenderers have the opportunity to clarify any aspect of the ITT. However, there will be no contract negotiations, as such negotiations are not permitted under the Open Procedure;3.No modifications to Tenders will be allowed following the Deadline for the submission of Tenders. However, the Authority may clarify aspects of the winning Tender and confirm commitments as part of concluding the Contract with the winning Tenderer(s);4.Following the evaluation of Tenders by the Authority in accordance with the Evaluation Methodology and the completion of any necessary Authority approvals processes, all Tenderers will be notified of the outcome of the evaluation process;5. At notification of an award under the ITT, there will follow a standstill period of at least 10 days before the Contract is concluded with the winning Tenderer;6. Until all necessary internal approvals are obtained by the Authority, the Contract will not be entered into and, the Authority is not bound in any way to enter into any contract with any Tenderer including, but not limited to, the winning Tenderer; and7. The terms of this ITT describe the anticipated Process, however in accordance with section 4.25 of the ITT, the Authority reserves the right to terminate, amend or vary the procurement process by notice to all Tenderers in writing.How to express an interestIf you wish to apply for this contract please follow the steps below:Register your company free of charge via the Supplying2NHS portal.Link: acceptance. You will receive an email confirming your user name and password.Use your username and password to log into the Supplying2NHS portal and express you interest in Waltham Forest Wellness Service — Mental Health ServicesShortly after you have expressed interest, you will receive a second email containing a link to access the tender documents.The deadline for expressions of interest is: 12:00 on 28.8.2015.


Published Date :

1st Aug 2015 9 years ago

Deadline :

27th Aug 2015 9 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

CPV Codes

85100000 - Health services

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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors