WAS-OJEU-53190 - WAST HART - Incident Ground Technology 3rd Edition (IGT3)
To ensure that the successful provider can deliver a service that is as streamlined and effective as possible and to ensure that the service provision of WAST HART has the minimal level of disruption through the implementation of IGT3 there will be an expectation that the following criteria can be met.1.1.EssentialSingle provider for all the hardware, software, airtime, installation, ongoing support, and training. No subcontracting of service.UK based.24-hour operation to provide support. No subcontracting.Holds valid Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.Access to dual UK-based data centres for secure transmission of data.Data centres to be Tier 4 listed.Certificate of conformity from Airbox Systems to confirm that API information can be integrated in the platform (GPS feeds from router and streaming devices can be embedded too).1.2.The above criteria are required to ensure a seamless provision of service and aftercare service support without having to go through 3rd party providers and incur delays. In addition to the service provision a security aspect must be considered as there will be incidents where HART attendance may generate sensitive information that may fall under specific classification and assurance of security is vital. Dealing with one single provider with no sub-contracting will reduce risk in this area in addition to ensuring the most effective service.1.3.DesirableTrack record of providing technical support within the UK emergency services.Further detail of the requirement can be found in the specification.
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1 Possible Competitors