
Waste Awareness Wales - Media Relations Support Consultancy Specification


WLGA wishes to appoint an external organisation to provide the following bi-lingual consultancy services up to 31st March 2012 with potential for extension to 31st March 2013. It is anticipated these services will constitute 2 to 3 days work per week. The precise activities to be delivered will be agreed between WLGA and the appointed consultant prior to final appointment:I.Provide expert support and add additional capacity to WAW media and communications activities working with journalists and media sources to promote WAW messages and activities. Including some or all of the following:oWriting press releases, articles, letters to editors, case studies etc in support of national campaigns and other activities.oIssuing press notices and selling in stories.oMedia monitoring and reporting, including producing a weekly email report of waste media coverage.oCampaign evaluation and analysis.oBriefing journalists about forthcoming dates/announcements etc.oPitching feature ideas to print and broadcast journalists.oPutting forward WAW as experts for media and briefing as required.oResponding to media enquiries and providing verbal or written responses.oSupport formulating of WAW media relations strategy and plans.oHorizon scanning and forward planning of media activity.oWork with the WAW knowledge & Information Officer and Campaign and LA officers to ensure social media is used effectively to deliver campaign messages and other information.II.Provide expert support to WAW’s work with local authorities. Including some or all of the following:oWriting press notice templates and guidance for use by Local Authorities (LAs).oSupporting and advising LAs on media issues as directed by WAW.oWork with WAW Campaigns and LA Support Officers to ensure relevant LA officer training needs are identified and appropriate training developed and delivered. oWork with Campaigns and LA Support Officers to ensure LA needs are identified and taken into account in formulating WAW campaigns and plans.III.Work closely with WG communications staff and WAW officers to ensure effective liaison between WG national media and public relations work and WAW media and public relations work, campaigns and plans. Including some or all of the following:oWork alongside WG to ensure that the WAW brand is used properly and appropriately – coordinating with the Campaigns and LA Support Officers. oWork closely with WG/WAW officers to ensure national campaigns build on all relevant and available information and research.oHelp ensure that bespoke campaigns, e.g. recycling, take account of the wider, strategic WAW/WG messages and strategies including social and community marketing models of influencing public behaviour change.oHelp ensure national campaigns take account of and influence campaigns at the local level.IV.Undertake any other tasks as agreed between WAW and the appointed consultancy to be appropriate and commensurate within the provisions of the contract.


Published Date :

3rd Nov 2011 13 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors