Water Efficiency Products
Water's Worth Saving: Product and Fulfilment The Challenge Demand for water in our supply areas is rising, even though the overall amount available remains the same. This is subject to a number of factors, including population growth and climate change, which means that the UK could face water shortages as soon as 2050, with an almost 5 billion litre per day deficit forecast. At NWG, we have set a target to reduce our customer per capita consumption (PCC) to 118 litres per person per day by 2040 to try to alleviate this shortfall. Our company average is currently 153.7 PCC, so we have a long way to go to achieve this goal. In the water efficiency department, we are renewing our home water efficiency audit programme, Water's Worth Saving, to try to help our highest consuming customers save 60 litres per visit. A crucial part of the success of this programme is the quality of our product offering to customers, which requires the supply and fulfilment of high-quality water saving products to help our customers on their water saving journey. We require a supplier to deliver product, fulfilment, and customisation (where possible) of a variety of products to help realise our goal of 16,500 water efficiency home visits per annum. Background Water's Worth Saving is one of our biggest water efficiency projects at NWG, focusing on visiting our customer's homes to help them reduce their water use. 2025 will introduce our biggest offering yet, as we are more than quadrupling the number of households we aim to visit compared to previous years. Alongside a carefully selected contract partner, these plumber-led home water and energy retrofit visits are designed to facilitate conversations about using water wisely, whilst carrying out small repairs, and installations and/or supply of water saving devices. Involvement in this project is by invitation only, as we will specifically target the highest users of water in our operating area to maximise potential savings; this is why it is vital that we are using high-quality and fit-for-purpose products to ensure the best savings and highest customer satisfaction per visit. Core Requirements Below is an overview of the core components for this project to give an idea of what the contractor will be responsible for, and some of the practical and logistical requirements and deliverables we expect: • Advise accordingly all lead times, factory delays, or other such factors which may affect the successful delivery of the project. • Deliver products to agreed receiving locations for distribution to plumbers. • Customise products where possible and agreed to reflect NWG/ESW branding. • Offer alternative solutions where agreed products are unavailable. • Inform NWG of new and alternative products on the market which may help us to meet our savings target of 990,000 litres per annum. • Set-up meetings as required at the beginning of the project to ensure the setup is appropriate for the project and to meet the delivery contractor, The contract will be divided into 25 lots, broken down into specific product areas, lot details will be given with the specification documents when issued. Suppliers can apply for all, some or one lot.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
44115210 - Plumbing materials
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors