Water Hygiene Contract
Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) delivers services throughout Oxfordshire through a wide range of buildings, e.g., Corporate, Fire stations, Libraries, etc. The buildings are managed by the Joint Property Team within the Commercial Development Assets and Investments team. The service is required to ensure that the OCC meets its legal requirements of the health and safety at work act etc 1974, the control of hazardous substances regulations 2002 concerning the risk from exposure to legionella and guidance on compliance with the relevant parts of the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999. The scope is to undertake a Monitoring & Control service of the water hygiene hot and cold services. As well as to carry out surveys, testing and consultancy works where in scope of Fusion21 Specification Framework: in accordance with the HSE ACOP L8 guidance wherever suitable, note frequency of visits to be determined and agreed via OCC, including: Carryout sampling and monitoring to the hot and cold-water services Carryout annual hot and cold-water inspections Carryout annual inspections of RPZ valves Carryout specialist cleaning and disinfection of hot and cold water systems To minimise the risks presented by water such as legionella and scalding, so far as is reasonably practicable, such that buildings are safe for occupation by implementing the applicable written scheme of control To complete remedial works in a timely manner using appropriate materials and installation methods to appropriate standards Carry out suitable and sufficient Water Risk Assessments to ensure the building(s) are safe and compliant with respect to the risks posed by water. The service is to provide remedial repair upon request, if required by OCC.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors