Water Purification Systems
Natural Resources Wales Analytical Services at Swansea University require a set of 10 water purification units, each with sufficient reservoir capacity (water storage tanks)for analytical purposes and for rinsing glassware.Stations will be required for use by the analytical sections, they are to provide the following Types/Grades of deionised water with flow rates and daily volumes that can be supplied in the region of:Station 1: Inorganics 1 (Lab 219)Approx. 50 – 100 litres of Type 2 WaterApprox. 20-30 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateWall-mounted unitStation 2: Inorganics 2 (Lab 219)Approx. 80 – 100 litres of Type 1 and Type 2 WaterApprox. 100 litre reservoirApprox. 30 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop unitStation 3: Water Quality Sondes (Lab 222)Approx. 80 – 100 litres of Type 1 WaterApprox. 100 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop unitStation 4: Metals: (Lab 215)Approx. 50 litres of Type 1 WaterApprox. 20-30 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop unitStation 5: Metals Prep (Lab 215)Approx. 100 litres of Type 1 WaterApprox. 100 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop unitStation 6: Passive Sampling (Lab 207)Approx. 100 litres of Type 1 Ultra-Pure Water (Ultra Low TOC required)Approx. 50 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop unitStation 7: Organics (Lab 216)Approx. 100 litres of Type 1 Ultra-Pure Water (Ultra Low TOC required)Approx. 100 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop unitStation 8: Microbiology (Lab 211)Approx. 100 litres of Type 1 Ultra-Pure Water for Microbiological applications (Ultra Low TOC required)Approx. 50 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateWall-mounted unitTo increase the accuracy of the results at NRWAS and to reduce the likelihood of cross-contamination there are additional stations required which will feed the glasswashers in the washroom and Organics 216. This will allow a final rinse of laboratory glassware with deionised water, further reducing the possibility of impurities remaining on the glassware.Station 9: Washroom (Lab219a)Approx. 100 litres of Type 2 Water for feeding 2x laboratory glasswasher (Lancer 1400LX Model)Approx. 100 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop, Wall-mounted or floor unitStation 10: Organics (Lab 216)Approx. 100 litres of Type 2 Water for feeding 1x laboratory glasswasher (Make and Model TBC)Approx. 100 litre reservoirApprox. 16 litres an hour make-up rateBenchtop, Wall-mounted or floor unitIn addition to the supply of the units, the specification will include install, commissioning and validation of the units and a service contract for 4 years and a consumables framework for 4 yearsNOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
42912310 - Water filtration apparatus
71900000 - Laboratory services
42912300 - Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
42912330 - Water-purifying apparatus
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors