Water Treatment Chemical Dosing [Provision of]
COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE – (Call Outs to be included in contract)The Contractors shall undertake TWELVE service visits per annum to test boiler water condition.During the service the contractors shall carry out chemical treatments during the year as listed belowPCH Kitchen Boiler houseProductFunctionDosage rate per weekAnnual est. stock requiredBoilercare OS216Oxygen scavenger1.5 litre75litre (3 x 30kg)Boilercare 170Sludge Conditioner0.25litre25 litre (1 x 30kg)Boilercare OH32Alkalinity Builder1.0litre50litre (2 x 32kg)PCH CSSD Boiler houseBoilercare OS216Oxygen Scavenger3.0litre150litre (6 x 30kg)Boilercare 170Sludge Conditioner0.5litre25litre (1 x 30kg)Boilercare OH32Alkalinity Builder2.0litre100litre (4 x 32kg)Royal Glamorgan Hospital & East Glamorgan General Boiler houseChemical Ref: 150 (25 x 25 litre)Chemical Ref: 800 (25 x 25 litre)Chemical Ref: 901 (50 x 25 litre)Premixing of chemicals is to be included in the contract price.All chemicals as listed above are to be included in the contract price.Emergency service call-out are to be included in the contract priceInvoices to be paid monthly.
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CPV Codes
24962000 - Water-treatment chemicals
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors