
Watton Town Council Gardening Contract 2022


Gardening Contract Specification 2022 Hanging Baskets •Fifty hanging baskets of 400mm diameter to be hung and on display along Watton High Street by the last week in May until the 30th September. •Hanging basket brackets on the lampposts and signs along the Watton High Street are the responsibility of the contractor and a document confirming that the brackets are safe for use is needed from the contractor. •Each basket is to be filled with water retaining gel and compost with each basket to have at least seven plants of three different varieties. •Each basket is to be watered three times a week (if necessary), fed once a week and maintained for the full seventeen week display term. Deadheading and replacing dead or missing plants (including vandalism) is within the contract price. Planters •Thirty two planters of one square metre in size and twelve concrete rounds of two square metres in size to be planted for display purposes in Watton High Street not later than the last week in May until the 30th September (Spring/Summer display). Planted again in the first week of October until mid-May (Autumn/Winter display). •Before the Spring/Summer display is planted in May all forty four planters must be emptied to the bottom and refilled with good quality multipurpose compost. •Each planter is to have at least twenty five plants to the square metre with at least five different varieties in the Spring/Summer planting. •Each planter (Spring/Summer) is to be watered three times a (if necessary), fed once a week and maintained for the full Seventeen week display term. Deadheading and replacing dead or missing plants (including vandalism) is within the contract price. •Each planter is to be emptied of plants at the end of September, plants and organic matter should be disposed of in accordance with Environment Agency legislation. To be topped up with good quality multipurpose compost ready for the Autumn/Winter display. •Each planter is to have at least twenty five plants to the square metre with at least three different varieties in the Autumn/Winter planting. •Each planter (Autumn/Winter) is to be watered once a week (if necessary), fed once a week and maintained for the full October until mid-May display term. Deadheading and replacing dead or missing plants (including vandalism) is within the contract price. Suggested Plants: Spring Summer Plant List Trailing Geraniums Red x 350 plants Zonal Geraniums Blue x 350 plants Lysimachia congestifolia lyssii Yellow x 350 plants Trailing Begonia White x 350 plants Bidens Aurea Yellow x 350 plants Bacopa Scopia Purple x 350 plants Autumn/Winter Plant List Primroses Mixed x 550 plants Pansies Mixed x 550 plants Polyanthus Mixed x 400 plants Apply to: Watton Town Council, Wayland Hall, Middle Street, Watton Norfolk IP26 4RL


Published Date :

11th Jan 2022 3 years ago

Deadline :

31st Jan 2022 3 years ago

Contract Start :

1st Mar 2022

Contract End :

28th Feb 2025

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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors