Waverley - Poplar Way Widening
The project involves the widening of Poplar Way, an existing road adjacent to the Waverley Advanced Manufacturing Park between the Highfield Spring Roundabout and the Sheffield Parkway Roundabout. The project includes the widening of the main carriageway, modifications to the existing Highfield Spring roundabout and the associated roundabout approaches to the east and south and the diversion of various services currently in the area. The works will include carriageway and footway construction and associated drainage, landscaping and streetlighting. There is also an element of new adoptable surface water drainage to be constructed. The work will be required to be constructed to highway and drainage adoptable standards, as detailed in the design documents which will be issued to selected contractors during the Invitation to Tender stage. The work will be undertaken on a live road and therefore the contractor's proposals for and management of the live traffic will be an important feature of the project.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors