WCC - Framework for Evidence Based Parenting Programmes - AWARD
Warwickshire County Council wish to put in place a multi provider framework for evidence based parenting programmes for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0 - 25 living in Warwickshire and to provide training for practitioners working with families. Therapies are not included in this framework. The framework will provide a wide selection of programmes that will deliver the individual outcomes for families and will include: Lot 1: Training Courses for Practitioners working with Families across the public and voluntary sector The parenting support workforce may include but not be limited to the following services and workers: social care, early help services, targeted youth support, children centres services family support workers, early years workers, midwives, health visitors, school nurses, schools, voluntary sector and faith based organisations youth, community and family workers/volunteers. See Appendix 2: Diagram representing the Parenting Workforce Diversity. Lot 2: Direct delivery of parenting programmes to parents and carers Parenting programmes will become an integral part of the stepped approach from universal web-based programmes that deliver self-help and easy access to information for parents and carers to specialist programmes for families with complex needs facing the greatest challenges. Lot 3: Direct delivery of training for young people at risk of becoming young parents and/or young people with caring responsibilities Young people at risk of becoming young parents and/or young people with caring responsibilities will have access to age appropriate programmes that provides relationship and parenting training for young people that builds strengths, resilience and capacity for them to make a choice about delaying their parenting and support them in preparing from parenthood and what is involved in caring for a child.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85300000 - Social work and related services
85312300 - Guidance and counselling services
85312310 - Guidance services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors