WCC - Operation of Reuse Shops at Warwickshire Household Waste Recycling Centres
This procurement is for a concession contract and will run under the Concession contract regulations. Warwickshire County Council (the Council) is seeking a concessionaire/operator for eight Reuse Shops located at the Warwickshire operated Household Waste Recycling Centres listed below:•Lower House Farm, North Warwickshire •Hunters Lane, Rugby •Princes Drive, Leamington Spa•Burton Farm, Stratford•Cherry Orchard, Kenilworth•Wellesbourne•Stockton•ShipstonThe Council is procuring the following lots:•Lot 1 - Operation of Lower House Farm and Hunters Lane Reuse shops•Lot 2 - Operation of Princes Drive, Burton Farm, Cherry Orchard, Wellesbourne, Stockton and Shipston Reuse shops/pointIn 2022/23 over 1,000 tonnes of items were reused through the shops and the turnover across all eight shops was around £1 million.In return for the opportunity to run the reuse shops the operator will pay a concession fee to Warwickshire County Council. A lease for each site will sit alongside the concession contract. The initial contract term will be for a period of 5 years.However, the Council reserves the right to extend the Contract by further periods not exceeding 60 months (5 years) in total.The maximum contract term will be 120 months (10 years).Full details of operational requirements as detailed in the ITT.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90500000 - Refuse and waste related services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors