We hypothesize that there are combinations of life events that accelerate the development of care and support needs yet could be preventatively addressed. These "pivotal points" in a resident's life accelerate or amplify the resident's need for support or level of acuity, but mitigating support could have been minimised their impact, with the knock-on effect of preventing, reducing or delaying the development of care needs.
In Surrey, we want to create a clear evidence base from which to use resources effectively to target those interventions which will make the most difference, most improve the outcomes for people and most increase community resilience and
We hypothesize that there are combinations of life events that accelerate the development of care and support needs yet could be preventatively addressed. These "pivotal points" in a resident's life accelerate or amplify the resident's need for support or level of acuity, but mitigating support could have been minimised their impact, with the knock-on effect of preventing, reducing or delaying the development of care needs. In Surrey, we want to create a clear evidence base from which to use resources effectively to target those interventions which will make the most difference, most improve the outcomes for people and most increase community resilience and residents' potential to help themselves.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85320000 - Social services
79315000 - Social research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors