Website Design - Design, development and implementation of a replacement website in an open source CMS for the National Archives
The successful tenderer will be responsible for the design and development of the site and for the transfer of agreed information and images from the existing site and the implementation of the new site in the live web environment. The successful tenderer will also be responsible for the full technical handover and training on the website features and functions to nominated NAI personnel, including the provision of training and/or training materials covering basic user interaction issues such as uploading, editing, deleting and organising postings.The successful tenderer will be responsible for the further development of existing websites and the consolidation of micro sites into a newly development NAI website including the migration of sites from other CMS Platforms when necessary and required. The successful tender will be responsible for the development, support, hosting and maintenance of all the websites currently under the remit of the NAI. It is intended that this competition will result in a service contract between the NAI and its preferred provider, for the provision of the outlined services.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72150000 - Computer audit consultancy and hardware consultancy services
72212320 - Drawing and imaging software development services
72800000 - Computer audit and testing services
72212310 - Document creation software development services
72226000 - System software acceptance testing consultancy services
72413000 - World wide web WWW site design services
72611000 - Technical computer support services
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
72120000 - Hardware disaster-recovery consultancy services
72514100 - Facilities management services involving computer operation
72420000 - Internet development services
73210000 - Research consultancy services
72317000 - Data storage services
72541000 - Computer expansion services
72300000 - Data services
72212213 - Operating system enhancement software development services
72311000 - Computer tabulation services
72511000 - Network management software services
72330000 - Content or data standardization and classification services
72212211 - Platform interconnectivity software development services
72412000 - Electronic mail service provider
48900000 - Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
72540000 - Computer upgrade services
72212221 - Internet browsing software development services
72416000 - Application service providers
72221000 - Business analysis consultancy services
72421000 - Internet or intranet client application development services
48100000 - Industry specific software package
72315100 - Data network support services
72410000 - Provider services
72212219 - Miscellaneous networking software development services
48600000 - Database and operating software package
72310000 - Data-processing services
72254000 - Software Testing
75100000 - Administration services
48627000 - Real time operating system software package
72312000 - Data entry services
72212400 - Business transaction and personal business software development services
72212312 - Electronic publishing software development services
72212110 - Point of sale (POS) software development services
72510000 - Computer-related management services
48700000 - Software package utilities
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48800000 - Information systems and servers
72315200 - Data network management services
73300000 - Design and execution of research and development
48622000 - Minicomputer operating system software package
72400000 - Internet services
72212311 - Document management software development services
48220000 - Internet and intranet software package
72225000 - System quality assurance assessment and review services
72315000 - Data network management and support services
73200000 - Research and development consultancy services
72212210 - Networking software development services
48210000 - Networking software package
72590000 - Computer-related professional services
72254100 - Systems testing services
72415000 - World wide web WWW site operation host services
72411000 - Internet service providers ISP
72212212 - Optical jukebox server software development services
75120000 - Administrative services of agencies
72514200 - Facilities management services for computer systems development
48623000 - Microcomputer operating system software package
72417000 - Internet domain names
72242000 - Design-modelling services
72316000 - Data analysis services
72212218 - License management software development services
73120000 - Experimental development services
72212220 - Internet and intranet software development services
72212600 - Database and operating software development services
72210000 - Programming services of packaged software products
72260000 - Software-related services
72514300 - Facilities management services for computer systems maintenance
48810000 - Information systems
72414000 - Web search engine providers
72311100 - Data conversion services
72212215 - Networking developers software development services
72243000 - Programming services
72220000 - Systems and technical consultancy services
72313000 - Data capture services
73110000 - Research services
75000000 - Administration, defence and social security services
72224200 - System quality assurance planning services
72318000 - Data transmission services
48200000 - Networking, Internet and intranet software package
48621000 - Mainframe operating system software package
72100000 - Hardware consultancy services
72228000 - Hardware integration consultancy services
72251000 - Disaster recovery services
72900000 - Computer back-up and catalogue conversion services
72212100 - Industry specific software development services
72212200 - Networking, Internet and intranet software development services
48628000 - Micro-channel architecture
72322000 - Data management services
72600000 - Computer support and consultancy services
72240000 - Systems analysis and programming services
72212330 - Scheduling and productivity software development services
72212224 - Web page editing software development services
72222000 - Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services
72312100 - Data preparation services
72212223 - Electronic mail software development services
48620000 - Operating systems
48624000 - Personal computer (PC) operating system software package
72212217 - Transaction-processing software development services
72227000 - Software integration consultancy services
48820000 - Servers
72541100 - Memory expansion services
72321000 - Added-value database services
72230000 - Custom software development services
72319000 - Data supply services
72224100 - System implementation planning services
72314000 - Data collection and collation services
72700000 - Computer network services
48625000 - Open systems operating systems
72253000 - Help-desk and support services
73100000 - Research and experimental development services
72422000 - Internet or intranet server application development services
72512000 - Document management services
72212300 - Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software development services
48610000 - Database systems
72212214 - Network operating system software development services
72211000 - Programming services of systems and user software
72241000 - Critical design target specification services
72245000 - Contract systems analysis and programming services
73220000 - Development consultancy services
72500000 - Computer-related services
72311200 - Batch processing services
48626000 - Clustering software package
72252000 - Computer archiving services
72250000 - System and support services
72311300 - Computer time-sharing services
72246000 - Systems consultancy services
72110000 - Hardware selection consultancy services
72320000 - Database services
75110000 - General public services
72130000 - Computer-site planning consultancy services
72610000 - Computer support services
72513000 - Office automation services
72212216 - Network connectivity terminale mulation software development services
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
72244000 - Prototyping services
72514000 - Computer facilities management services
72224000 - Project management consultancy services
72140000 - Computer hardware acceptance testing consultancy services
72212222 - Web server software development services
72212000 - Programming services of application software
72312200 - Optical character recognition services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors