Welfare outcomes for livestock transported on Northern Isles ferry routes
Scope/Statement of Requirement 8.It is expected that initial scoping work would involve familiarisation with the “cassette” system and liaison with the ferry company and key stakeholders to secure their co-operation with the project. Scottish Government officials will be able to make necessary introductions and facilitate this. This work would include gathering information on typical current journeys including the numbers and classes of livestock being carried on different routes, journey times, and the range of weather and sea conditions experienced throughout the year. There would be a steering group meeting to agree the approach to be taken to further work after this initial scoping. 9.Suitable monitoring equipment would be identified to continuously record and log as a minimum the temperature and humidity experienced by cattle and sheep in the cassette system, and the forces associated with movements of the vessel in three dimensions. This should allow correlation with external weather conditions and sea state during the journey. Consideration of novel sensors or technology that could be used on commercial journeys would be appropriate. 10.Suitable animal-based measures to assess welfare that could be practically applied to commercial consignments before and after journeys would be identified. Blood sampling of animals is not expected. 11.The monitoring equipment and welfare assessment technique could be trialled initially in the quieter spring/summer months to establish the best system before monitoring a representative number of journeys in the peak autumn period in different weather/sea conditions. 12.Analysis of the data collected should allow comparisons of welfare outcomes for livestock in different weather and sea conditions and identification of risk factors that may be associated with any sub-optimal outcomes.
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