Welfare Units for Newton Nursery
This is a voluntary ex ante transparency (VEAT) notice.A Health and Safety support visit at Newton Nursery highlighted an urgent requirement to replace and update the current welfare provision welfare facilities for nursery staff. The current Covid-19 pandemic has escalated this requirement to a matter of absolute urgency due to the risk poor welfare provision can contribute to virus transmission. In the event a staff member presented with the virus which this could ultimately require the closure of the nursery and harm to staff. Access to adequate welfare facilities with minimal touch points will assist in mitigating against the risk of virus transmission within FLS staff and resulting interruption to site operations.As the nursery is a key operational site for both FLS and the wider sector that relies on plant supply to sustain jobs, we require to negate this business risk via a rapid route to market with minimal staff resource required to then purchase the required welfare provision.The welfare facility provision requires to be of a high standard, both in terms of Covid-19 related provision and overall building lifespan and structural warranty capability, as the intention will be to relocate this welfare provision down to the newly leased area once the proposed nursery upgrade and redevelopment has completed. It is not deemed best value to hire or utilise short term temporary purchases to meet the need as a longer term larger building is required and in line with recommendations from the health and safety report.FLS has reviewed a number of collaborative framework agreements and determined that a direct award against existing collaborative framework agreement is not possible due to the ‘catalogue’ approach and core items listed on the framework agreements not meeting FLS requirements. FLS cannot direct award on the framework agreements for non-catalogue items therefore a mini competition would be required. The urgency of this requirement means it is not possible run a mini-competition.FLS therefore intends to award this contract without competition to the supplier that investigation has found is capable of meeting the requirements including the additional extras to ensure the welfare provision is ‘Covid secure’.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
3120000 - Horticultural and nursery products
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors