Welland Homes Options Analysis
Welland Homes is a housing company wholly owned by South Holland District Council (SHDC) as the sole shareholder. SHDC would like to appoint a public sector financing expert with market leading knowledge of the residential marketplace to conduct an options analysis for the long-term future of the company to be completed by 31st March 2024. SHDC would like to receive a high-level summary of each option, including the financial and tax implications of each option (both for the council and the company), based on a desktop analysis and set within the context of Local Government financing requirements. This high-level summary should provide a sense of direction for each option to enable SHDC (as sole shareholder) to identify a preferred option and will answer the following two questions: 1) Is SHDC optimising the company? 2) What should SHDC do to optimise the value of the company?
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
66171000 - Financial consultancy services
79221000 - Tax consultancy services
66000000 - Financial and insurance services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
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Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors