Wellbeing and Resilience model for Primary Schools - Bradford District & Craven Health and Care Partnership
As part of the NHSE inequalities strategy funding "Core 20 plus 5" NHS England » Core20PLUS5 - An approach to reducing health inequalities for children and young people Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership are looking for a provider of a resilience support model in Primary schools. Working as part of the districts "Act as One" approach to children and young people the service will be integrated in to the wider children and young peoples mental health pathways and support the Bradford District Adversity Trauma and Resilience strategy Who we are - Bradford ATR ( This service will support a whole school (Staff, pupils, and their families) approach to preventative models of wellbeing. We will require a provider to offer: -To provide an evidence based preventative resilience program in Primary schools situated in the 20% most deprived communities in the country amounting to approximately 50% of Bradford schools over a 3-year period -To provide full communication with eligible Primary schools ensuring the schools understand the offer of the program and appreciate the demands on the school staff, pupils, and parents/carers -To provide engaging and evidence-based resources for each year group from Reception to Year 6 -To provide initial, continual, and appropriate support and guidance for school staff and leadership in delivering materials to promote resilience to maximise the impact of the program -To provide resources and support for parents/carer and significant others to support embedding the methods in family homes using a range of means to narrow inequalities in access -Provide assured monitoring of the use of approach and materials and regular reporting to the Bradford District and Craven Health and Care partnership and NHSE -Contribute to the wider Adversity, Trauma and Resilience strategy in Bradford district ensuring maximum impact of the program and adopting a service improvement methodology where required -Evaluation of the model to describe and demonstrate the impact of the program on prevention and ultimately decreased demand on specialist children and young people mental health services -Work closely with the leadership of the Living Well schools program to embed the program locally using expertise and guidance of the wider partners Living Well Schools | Make the Healthy Choice | Bradford District (
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85100000 - Health services
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1 Possible Competitors