Welsh Tidal Lagoon Challenge
The Welsh Government is considering how best it can support the market to develop a tidal range energy project on the Welsh coastline. The current preferred approach is to undertake a competition to identify suitable options., To inform its approach to the competition, the Welsh Government wishes to engage with organisations interested in the delivery of tidal range energy projects on the Welsh coastline, to gather information prior to the Welsh Government formulating a preferred approach to the competition and support package., Interested organisations (including potential developers, financiers and those with experience in the tidal range sector) should register their interest via the Sell2Wales Noted Interest function. Interested parties can view a copy of our market engagement documentation via the attachments section within this PIN., The market engagement documentation comprises an Introduction to the Welsh Government’s proposed competition objectives and a questionnaire which interested organisations should return via the Sell2Wales Post-box function, including details of any specific proposals, and any views or suggestions they may have on the sector as a whole., Following receipt of completed questionnaires, the Welsh Government may also undertake supplier sessions and meet with suppliers to discuss their market engagement feedback., Please be aware that at this stage we will not be formally assessing proposals, and nothing given or provided at this stage will be evaluated as part of any future procurement process. We welcome responses from suppliers and organisations who feel that they have positive ideas on how our vision of supporting the development of tidal range power projects in Wales can be delivered., While the contracting authority has decided to advertise on a voluntary basis, this does not represent a commitment to follow a particular procurement procedure. Interested parties shall obtain for themselves, at their own expense, all information necessary for the preparation of their responses to this PIN.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45251120 - Hydro-electric plant construction work
9300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45248000 - Construction work for hydro-mechanical structures
45244100 - Marine installations
45240000 - Construction work for water projects
65400000 - Other sources of energy supplies and distribution
45222000 - Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways
71314000 - Energy and related services
45244000 - Marine construction works
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors