West Berkshire Council Streetworks Permit Scheme Year 9 evaluation, Traffic Sensitive Streets review and Lane Rental feasibility study
WBC's Permit Scheme document is due for review to ensure that the Streetworks team structure and fee structure are suitable to cover the type and volume of works currently being undertaken on the highway network, and also that its contents are in accordance with current legislation. This review should identify whether the current Permit Scheme is meeting key performance indicators, undertake an assessment of the current financial position, previous financial assumptions, DfT Fees Matrix and staff requirements, current and potential income, resources and expenditure. In addition to the mandatory Year 9 Scheme review, this project should review the status of streets within WBC's Street Gazetteer to ensure that all meeting the relevant criteria are designated as Traffic Sensitive. An up to date traffic sensitive street network is crucial in identifying highly trafficked highways as works or activities in these streets are likely to be particularly disruptive to other road users, and this is especially important with the consideration of a Lane Rental Scheme in mind. This process should also investigate in depth the feasibility of West Berkshire Council adapting its Streetworks Permit Scheme to become a Lane Rental authority with a view to reducing the impact of works on the busiest roads at the busiest times, and should provide all of the necessary data for WBC to proceed with the implementation of a Lane Rental scheme, should it be considered viable.
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CPV Codes
71311210 - Highways consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors