West London West London Town Centre Commercial, Business and Service Study
This contract is for preparation of a review of trends and developments affecting commercial, business and service uses in West London town centres, focussing primarily on the 49 metropolitan, major and district centres in the sub-region designated in the London Plan. It is intended to cover: i.the changes in the retail, service and other business/commercial uses most relevant to West London's town centres and how these might affect floorspace requirements for commercial, business and service uses and local planning authorities' ability to realise their policy objectives ii.the changes to planning legislation and policy and the proposals in the "Planning for the Future" white paper that are likely to affect the trends identified in the relevant sectors in West London centres and the ability of local planning authorities (and their partners) to realise their policy objectives. iii.Steps local authorities and their partners can continue to take - whether in their role as local planning authorities more widely - to deliver effectively on their policy objectives and aspirations for town centres and the contributions they make to the wellbeing of their wider areas. Quotations should be sent to: quotation to: Andrew Barry-Purssell Planning and Infrastructure Manager West London Alliance
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
70000000 - Real estate services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors