West Sussex County Council - Consultancy Services in relation to the Greenprint Project
Livelabs 2 is a prestigious highways innovation programme funded by the Department for Transport. There is an opportunity to join the partnership between South Gloucestershire Council (SCG) and West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to deliver innovation for local authorities across the UK which aims to bring about a fundamental re-think of green estate management. Greenprint is described as 'a carbon-negative systems model for green infrastructure management. It aims to reduce operational emissions and revolutionise the narrative for biomass drawn from councils' estates from 'waste' to 'value'. The partnership will pioneer replicable, circular economy approaches for collecting verge biomass that will reduce the costs and emissions associated with ongoing management, whilst increasing biodiversity. Collected biomass will be processed to generate new sources of clean heat and power, alternative fuels and asphalt additives that will further reduce the cost and emissions from highways operations. 'This 'Greenprint' will demonstrate a sustainable and replicable model for local authorities, transforming the role and value of the highway's green asset, and enable highways, waste and other service functions to work together in synergy to deliver financial, environmental and social value benefits while reducing carbon emissions.'
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1 Possible Competitors