WEST Training Project
LCRI CEP – Welsh Energy Sector Training ProjectScopeThis project aims to develop a targeted, co-ordinated strategic framework for education, skills and knowledge capital development at management levels in Welsh enterprises operating in the low carbon/energy sectors. This European Social Fund (ESF) component project of the Low Carbon Research Institute, Convergence Energy Programme (LCRI CEP) should develop skills to aid the utilisation and uptake of the new technologies developed through the LCRI industrial energy research projects, ensuring that industrial research is disseminated through both traditional education streams and to industry through Continual Professional Development (CPD). It will identify and respond to skills, education and development needs in the energy sector in Wales appropriate for the emerging low and zero carbon technologies that are developed through the industrial research projects.The strategy includes an educational programme at levels 4 and 5 (NB. For further information on education levels please refer to the National Qualifications Framework). The skills provision is essential to enable, support and maintain the new technologies and processes developed through industrial energy research projects, thereby contributing to the success of the overall programme, e.g. to enable the exploitation of Research & Development by small & medium enterprises (SMEs). This project will deliver a common identity for all employment-based training and education materials developed as a result of LCRI research, including the development of distance and e-learning methodologies for delivery. The project will also provide expertise to support the development of accreditation routes for associated training materials. It is essential that evidence of close working relationships can be demonstrated with all LCRI European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funded research projects and all relevant Welsh stakeholders in this field.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors