Westfield Academy - ICT Support Services
A single contract will be awarded for the provision of fully managed IT services. The intention is that the successful company will support the Academy in effectively delivering it’s vision for ICT;, Over the duration of the 5 year contract we expect to; , ?move from a microsoft solution to an almost fully Google solution. (Within 2 years), ?move to a chromebook solution. (Within 2 years.), ?move all students to a BYOD solution. (Within 3 years), ?move the Academy to a fully cloud based solution, ?move to a solution where, as part of the contract, there is no longer a need for a full-time on-site resource as the majority of support will be off-site., ?Move from, the perception of, being behind others schools as regards the use of ICT, to being a lead school with google. , ?To ensure that the use of ICT is fully integrated into the Academy Teaching & Learning strategy., The contract will cover the following distinct service elements: , -Onsite Service desk / Helpdesk - A single point of
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors