Westminster Employment Service (WES) New CRM System
The Westminster Employment Service (WES) was created in 2017 to address the gaps in the local employment support provision and has continued adapting its' offer to emerging labour needs. The system identified early on to enable WES carry out its responsibilities, the structure of the service has evolved since then. The service is currently divided into two main areas, the Coaching and Jobs & Training. A system is needed to meet the employment coaching and jobs brokerage vision of the service today; this is affecting the viability of services offered. Additionally, end user feedback has highlighted areas of improvement. These include; vacancy management, integration with third party tools, jobs to skill matching, ability to run specific reports, lack of scalability and cluttered user interface. There is the need for the customer relationship management (CRM) platform to meet majority of the service's current responsibilities and offerings.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48100000 - Industry specific software package.
Tenderbase Categories
Software Solutions/ POS/ERP/Business Software/ Analytics/Accounting/ Graphics
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors