WH22007 - Painting & Decorating Services
To provide a comprehensive redecoration resource that can be utilised for the delivery of maintenance to external elements of properties, communal areas of multi occupancy dwellings and internal rooms of properties following major works, void, repairs and damp/condensation treatment.r r r The works consist of five elements -r r 1) External redecoration to houses, low rise flats and garages to includes elements such as rendered wall areas, doors, gates, canopies, fascias, railings, benches, fencing and the like.r r 2) Internal redecoration of communal areas in accordance with The Building Regulations Approved Document B 2007 which states that the walls and ceilings of the common access areas of buildings of multiple occupancy should be finished with materials that exhibit flame retardance. This will include walls, ceilings and doors to halls, landings and stairwells.r r 3) Internal redecoration to Council dwellings following Void works to include painting/wall-papering of walls, painting of ceilings, doors and other elements.r r 4) Treatment of areas where mould growth has formed, i.e. fungicidal washing and redecorationr r 5) Internal redecoration to tenanted Council dwellings following repair works or adaption to include painting/wall-papering of walls, painting of ceilings, doors and other elements.r r This contract will run for a period of 4 years.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45442100 - Painting work
45442110 - Painting work of buildings
79931000 - Interior decorating services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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High Value :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors