WHHT - Funeral Services
The West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust (WHHT) provides acute healthcare services to a core catchment population of approximately half a million people living in west Hertfordshire and the surrounding area. The Trust also provides a range of more specialist services to a wider population, serving residents of North London, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and East Hertfordshire. As an employer of almost 5,000 people the Trust is one of the biggest employers in the area and sees nearly a million patients each year. The Trust intends to release a tender for funeral services shortly. The tender will be split into two lots - Adult Funeral Services and Baby Funeral Services. Bidders will be able submit tenders for one lot only or for both. The anticipated contract length is an initial 3 years commencing 1st March 2021, with options to extend, up to a maximum of 5 years. Full details of the Trust's requirements will be available in the specification contained within the tender documentation. Core requirements include: - The contract(s) shall be performed generally in accordance with the Code of Practice of the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD). - The Contractor(s) will be required to carry out basic cremations and burials as instructed by the WHHT. Funerals will be conducted in a professional manner, with punctuality, decency, decorum and respect for a diverse range of cultures whether or not mourners are in attendance. - Contractors' staff will be expected to have received training with respect to their specific duties and must use the appropriate dress code. - All funeral arrangements will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Trust, patient and relatives. The WHHT's Bereavement Services or other nominated location is to be informed of any changes to agreed arrangements at least 72 hours before the time of the funeral. - Funeral directors shall use every endeavour to ensure that the client, and also the Trust, understand the range of services and care offered, the prices and also any known disbursements, being the fees which may be paid out on behalf of the Trust, to Ministers of Religion, Civil Celebrates, Cemetery or Crematorium fees, and suchlike. - The Contractor(s) shall ensure that the appropriate certificates are issued and all other documentation (such as ensuring the correct identity of the deceased) has been completed before a funeral takes place. - The Services shall be provided in accordance with the Specification and, except in emergencies, the Contractor(s) shall not deviate from the Specification without the prior written consent of the Trust's Authorised Officer. To express interest in bidding, please contact the named buyer.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98371000 - Funeral services
Status :
Assign to :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors