Whole system approach to predicting, preventing and responding to External Disruption, N&E Route
Network Rail is seeking to appoint a System Integrator (SI) to work alongside operational teams to help develop and embed a new approach to External Disruption. External Disruption categories include trespass, vandalism, suicide and staff assaults. A high-level summary of the work includes:: 1) Coordinating the Route and its Partners to develop a Concept of Operation/Blueprint and target operating model for external disruption, 2) Developing process architecture technological requirements to speed up and automate prediction, prevention, and response to external disruption to make processes more efficient and effective, 3) Setting out processes and practices to measure the effectiveness/value for money of the interventions that have been applied to reduce the impact of external disruption, and 4) Developing, designing and implementing the interventions identified on the pilot route.Network Rail is seeking to appoint a System Integrator (SI) to work alongside operational teams to help develop and embed a new approach to External Disruption. External Disruption categories include trespass, vandalism, suicide and staff assaults. A high-level summary of the work includes:: 1) Coordinating the Route and its Partners to develop a Concept of Operation/Blueprint and target operating model for external disruption, 2) Developing process architecture technological requirements to speed up and automate prediction, prevention, and response to external disruption to make processes more efficient and effective, 3) Setting out processes and practices to measure the effectiveness/value for money of the interventions that have been applied to reduce the impact of external disruption, and 4) Developing, designing and implementing the interventions identified on the pilot route.This notice is being published to gauge the level of interest within the market to provide this service to Network Rail. Anyone who is interested in providing this service is to notify Network Rail at the email address stated in I.1 of this notice by the 29th April 2022 and provide a high level overview of your organisation including the services available that are relevant to this notice.Following this Network Rail will determine the most appropriate route to market. Please note: registering an interest does not automatically qualify any interested party for any future sourcing activity.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71311200 - Transport systems consultancy services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors