Williamsburgh Housing Association, Stock Condition Survey 2022
Williamsburgh Housing Association wishes to commission a Stock Condition Survey and Life Cycle Costings Exercise covering all of its properties, to enable an informed assessment to be made of the future maintenance requirements of our housing stock over a 30 year timescale. This comprehensive survey of assets will be used to review and refine our Planned and Cyclical maintenance programme. The data collected will be used to update our existing asset management and component information held within our QL Management system. This will allow Williamsburgh Housing Association to produce robust and fully costed investment plans to inform our 30 Year Lifecycle Costings. Williamsburgh Housing Association will also be able to provide reliable management information and accurate reports for both short and long-term business planning purposes. The survey will also assist Williamsburgh Housing Association to update their current position in relation to the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS); the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH). As part of the outcome report, the successful party will be required to provide information on any improvements required to satisfy compliance currently and also recommendations for future investigations or measures to be undertaken to satisfy longer term compliance requirements for EESSH2. All of the above should be considered with due regard to the drive towards net zero carbon.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71315300 - Building surveying services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors