
Wiltshire Adult Community Health Services.


NHS Wiltshire CCG (with associates: Wiltshire Council, BaNES CCG, BaNES Council, and South Gloucestershire CCG) wish to commission 1 contract for the provision of a range of community based and patient centred services. With GP leadership at the heart of the organisation, the CCG has developed a strong and acclaimed 5 year strategy. The 1 component of this strategy is the provision of enhanced community services which provide the right care, at the right time and at the right place for patients. Predominantly, the CCG is looking to shift care from acute to community settings which is therefore why this contract is of paramount importance.Services included in this contract are:— Core Community Teams (inc Care Co-ordinators),— Community Beds (inc Step up),— Community Geriatrician/Frail Elderly Service,— Stroke Therapies Neurology Stroke,— Speech and Language Therapy (SALT),— Minor Injuries Units,— Continence,— Community Teams for People with Learning Difficulties,— Hearing Therapies,— Tissue Viability Lymphedema,— Diabetes,— Dietetics,— Podiatry,— Community Outpatient MSK Physio and Extended Scope Physiotherapy,— Orthotics,— Wheelchairs,— Cardiac (PACE) and Respiratory Services (COPD),— Outpatient Department services,— Fracture Clinic.Predominantly services will be for Adults aged 18 and above but in some cases individual services specifications require the provision of services for children.A key requirement of a successful tenderer will be its ability to operate as an integrator which for the purposes of this contract is described as:‘an entity that performs a convening role and works intentionally and systemically to achieve improvements in health and well-being. The integrator is appointed by the commissioner to take contractual responsibility and manage the supply of service provision to deliver the overall contractual requirements. The role of the integrator is not only to manage its supply chain but also to work effectively with other parts of the system to support the commissioner in achieving quality and value for money'.The CCG has established strong working relationships with partners across the local health and social care economy and expects the community service provider to further develop these relationships, to support the delivery of a sustainable financial position for the area and to ensure that the quality of services for patients is safeguarded and innovative.Alongside the values of the CCG published in its Constitution, the CCG has developed 12 principles (which are set out in the Memorandum of Information document) to assist the commissioning of community services. These must be adopted throughout the procurement and the life of the contract. The GP membership has indicated it requires the following:1. Services should be responsive and working in tandem with Primary Care.2. Services should deliver high quality patient care, not waste patient time and be integrated across organisations.3. Barriers to clinicians working effectively should be removed by management.The provider will be expected to move to a model of service delivery which is outcome based, with a performance management framework referencing KPIs and benefits taken from across the integrated health and social care scene. In doing so the provider will have to have in place suitable arrangements with its supply chain of other providers (where necessary) and agreements to work collaboratively with other organisations.The contract is expected to be a standard NHS (block) contract, with an initial term of five years (with the possibility to mutually agree a further two year extension) and an annual contract value in the region of 37 000 000 GBP.Interested parties must submit a compliant Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) if they wish to be further considered, which will evaluate the capacity, capability and experience of potential bidders. If shortlisted at the PQQ stage, potential bidders will be asked to take part in a competitive dialogue process, designed to identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender and therefore determine the incoming provider.Interested parties should also read the attached Memorandum of Information (MOI), which provides further background and details of requirements.Please note that TUPE is expected to apply to this contract along with the expectation that the provider makes use of existing estate and other assets. This procurement could have an impact on other services operating from the existing estate and the successful tenderer will be expected to work collaboratively with affected third parties to ensure continuity of service to patients. Further detail will be provided within the ITPD stage.Accessing the PQQ:The procurement will be conducted via the e-tendering website. If you are interested in tendering for this opportunity, please access the website and register your organisation.Once organisations have registered on the above website they will be given access to the PQQ. Please note that if you are intending to take part in this process as a consortium you must register on the e-tendering website as that consortium and only complete 1 PQQ. Should you require any assistance in accessing or registering on the e-tendering website please contact the Sourcing Help desk — Phone +44 8003684850 and/or e-mail


Published Date :

14th Jan 2015 10 years ago

Deadline :

9th Feb 2015 10 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors