Windows Doors Renovation - Replace and renovate Existing Windows an doors
For 26 existing box sash windows: Supply & Fit new openings sashes to all framesFit Quolon weather seals to all perimetersSand Existing window frames to be sanded with two coats of primer and undercoat to be applied and one finish coat of paint to selected RAL colour of clients choiceFit A Rated double-glazed units to include toughened safety glass to all units below 800mm from the finish floor levelInstall child restrictors to all upper floor windowsReplace pulleys, sash cords and hardware re-weigh and add additional weights as required for new heavier sashesFit new staff beads and parting beads to allRe-balance sashes to have them opening and closing freelyRepair or replace any rotten or decayed timbers in the main framesNB * Works on the window shutters, architraves etc is not included.3 no. casement windows at the chapel. All existing stained glass to be removed, repaired, and incorporated inside a double-glazed unit comprising of clear toughened glass each side to be done by othersFit 6 mm toughened glass to the outside of the large stained glass in the stairwayFit arched glass inside the existing front door fanlight (4mm clear single glazing toughened)Supply and fit new hardwood door to the existing main entrance frame. Replace glass in sidelights with A rated double-glazing units.Repair bottom section of the door frame where rot is present.Replace both bottom panels in the frame with panels appropriate to the new door.Supply and fit new back door and frame unit. Exterior quality door with choice of locking systems. Door to be 57mm thick and finish painted to RAL colour of clients choice. Detail in the arched fanlight to be replicated in the new unit.Scaffolding, hoists, or lifting equipment is to be provided by the contractor.
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